Smart Couples

Smart Couples

NOTE: The University of Florida does not have any ownership or control over any organization/agency on this list. Should you have any questions about the organization/agency or the nature of service offered by each agency, please contact the agency directly.

Dibble Institute

The Dibble Institute is a nonprofit organization focusing on relationship education for teens and young people. They offer programs, webinars, case studies, and more.


ELEVATE is an 8-hour couples education program based on the seven principles described in the National Extension Relationship and Marriage Education Model. ELEVATE blends practical skills with an understanding of the physiology of human interaction to enhance healthy relationship knowledge and skills. Certain elements of ELEVATE are available as a free download with registration.

Happy Endings: Dying with Dignity - Writing Your Own Story

Happy Endings: Dying with Dignity - Writing Your Own Story

You can leave a lasting legacy for friends and family members, and provide a treasured memory they'll always hold dear. You'll also glean insight into how best to handle and initiate sometimes difficult end-of-life conversations.

Healthy Relationships and Marriage Education Training

The HRMET curriculum was developed through a 5-year cooperative agreement (2009 - 2013) funded by the Administration on Children, Youth and Families Children's Bureau. The aim of this project was to increase child welfare professionals access to relationship and marriage education as one strategy to meet the safety, permanency, and well-being needs of vulnerable children in the child welfare system. This project yielded a research-based, national training resource and curriculum that all professionals who work with families can use to promote the development of healthy couple relationships.

SMART Resources

You can find all of your Strengthening Marriages and Relationships Training (SMART) resources right here.  This includes the 9 Important Communication Skills, Positive Behavioral Management Skills, and Before You Tie the Knot program materials, as well as the SMART relationship enhancement books: Marriage Tips and Traps: 10 Secrets for Nurturing Your Marital Friendship and Balancing Work and Family in the Real World.

Electronic SMART Resources

The Safe Zone Project

The Safe Zone Project is a free online resource for powerful, effective LGBTQ+ awareness and ally training workshops.

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