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Children and Domestic Violence

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These 10 fact sheets can help families living with domestic violence by providing them with insight into its effects on their children:

  1. How Does Domestic Violence Affect Children?

    Witnessing or being involved in domestic violence can affect children in different ways, depending on the situation. This factsheet gives some information on what to expect, and offers resources. Read More

  2. Celebrating Your Child’s Strengths

    Being exposed to domestic violence is difficult, but you can help your child recover. This factsheet suggests way to help your child heal from this experience by drawing on his or her strengths. Read More

  3. Before You Talk to Your Children: How Your Feelings Matter

    You may find it really difficult to talk to your children about domestic violence. This factsheet will help you to prepare for this conversation. Read More

  4. Listening and Talking to Your Child About Domestic Violence

    You will need to help your children talk about what they’ve experienced with domestic violence The questions, guidelines, and conversation openers in this factsheet can assist you. Read More

  5. The Importance of Playing with Your Children

    Playing with your child helps him or her feel safe, loved, and secure. Here are some ways you can engage in healthy play with children of any age. Read More

  6. Keeping Your Children Safe and Responding to Their Fears

    Children who have been exposed to domestic violence may experience feelings of fear and uneasiness. You can help them feel more secure and comfortable with the suggestions in this factsheet. Read More

  7. Managing Challenging Behavior of Children Living with Domestic Violence

    Children who have been around domestic violence may “act out” with behavior that is hard for parents to manage. These tips and ideas can help you cope with these situations. Read More

  8. Where to Turn if You Are Worried About Your Child

    If you are concerned about your child’s behavior after exposure to domestic violence, you may not know where to turn. This factsheet offers resources and guidance. Read More

  9. Helping Your Child Navigate a Relationship with the Abusive Parent

    It may be difficult for you and your child to manage a relationship with the parent who has been abusive. This factsheet can help you handle this tricky situation. Read More

  10. A Parent’s Self-Care and Self-Reflection

    In order to be a good parent, you need to take care of yourself! This factsheet offers ways you can care for your own needs and manage stress while recovering from domestic violence. Read More

By Carol Church, lead writer, SMART Couples, Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, University of Florida

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